Shinedown attention attention poster
Shinedown attention attention poster

shinedown attention attention poster

Special, no reason for a pity party or seek attention for what you're fighting, we all have our own struggles, you're not special. Get Up, yourself and those around you hearing you out and knowing its hard but its time to get up and you can overcome this.

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Evolve, time to do something about it, no reason to stay stuck in this cycle anymore, you're stronger than that.

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Creatures, finally accepting that you are just human, the addictions, the mistakes, the urges, the things that drive us, its all normal, we all do it. The ups and downs you go through and begging them to understand what its like. Darkside, trying to explain to someone what its like for you in this addiction or depression or PTSD and knowing it sounds wild. Monsters, we all have our monsters that stay with us and always sit there in the back of your mind, trying to overcome them yet recognizing how powerful they are if you don't be careful. Pyro, trying to figure out if you're this way because you're just following in the footsteps of your family and finding a way to break that cycle and not use it as an excuse. And trying to hide how bad it really is hurting you by putting on a "show" through social media or to others that things are better than they really are. Kill Your Conscience, trying to reason with yourself why these things matter and distract yourself, whether it be with drugs, depression episodes, social media, whatever your vice is. "Nothing bout me is ordinary my friends all say I'm going crazy, I don't hear a word that they say." Attention Attention, still seeing what these things have done but in denial, giving excuses. Black Soul, recognizing the addiction or recognizing the depression, or whatever it is you're trying to overcome and what those things are doing to yourself and those around you. Not reaching out for help when you should "Pick up the phone, you said it yourself you're scared of being alone" when people can see what its doing to you "everyone can tell that you're poisoning the well" The psychological effects it can have a person when they take that step and the body begins to cleanse itself. Devil, which references getting clean off drugs the last time. I left this on a couple social media posts but these are my thoughts and my perception of the film and why it's so amazing: It honestly made me emotional.

Shinedown attention attention poster